Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Jamie Dahman jdahman@whtmy.com 662-846-4124 Music
Lakita Dailey ldailey@whtmy.com 662-846-4630 Health Services
Khadeisjh Dailey-Halsell kdhalsell@whtmy.com 662-846-4407 Student Success Center
Michael Dallas mdallas@whtmy.com 662-846-4007 Procurement
Trebia Daniels tdaniels@whtmy.com 662-846-4328 Child Development Center
Amari Davis Not Available 662-846-4400 Child Development Center
Jacqueline Davis jbdavis@whtmy.com 662-846-4704 Foundation
Kelvin Davis kddavis@whtmy.com 662-846-4024 University Accounting
Shaketta Davis sdavis@whtmy.com 662-846-4302 Center for Community & Economic Dev
Todd Davis tdavis@whtmy.com 662-846-4570 Health & Physical Ed & Recreation
Jakiya Dawkins jdawkins@whtmy.com 662-846-4320 Child Development Center
Lee Dean lvirden@whtmy.com 662-846-4511 Math and Sciences
O'Neal Dean odean@whtmy.com 662-846-4740 Plumbing
Peter Dean pdean@whtmy.com 662-846-4454 General Library
Juan H. Declet-Barreto jdecletbarreto@whtmy.com 662-846-4522 Geospatial Information Technology
Chad Denson cdenson@whtmy.com 662-846-4198 Accountancy
Eric Diamond ejdiamond@whtmy.com 662-846-4300 Athletic Director
Amber Dillard adillard@whtmy.com 662-846-4696 Enrollment Management
Jacqueline Dillard jdillard@whtmy.com 662-846-4178 Custodial Services
Vinesta Dillard vdillard@whtmy.com 662-846-4178 Custodial Services
Cindy Dodd cdodd@whtmy.com 662-846-4626 Performing Arts Center
Jana Donahoe jdonahoe@whtmy.com 662-846-4795 Social Work
Kimberly Dorsey kdorsey@whtmy.com 662-846-4202 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Joseph Doyle jdoyle@whtmy.com 662-846-4579 Delta Music Institute
Nathan Duff nduff@whtmy.com 662-846-4675 Communications & Marketing
Edward Duke ecduke@whtmy.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Brenda Dumas bdumas@whtmy.com 662-846-4141 Child Development Center
Reed Edwards redwards@whtmy.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Carter Elias ctelias@whtmy.com 662-846-4760 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Michael Emerson memerson@whtmy.com 662-846-4432 General Library
James England kengland@whtmy.com 662-846-4482 Math and Sciences
Daniel Ennis djennis@whtmy.com 662-846-4000 Office of the President
Caleb Eubanks ceubanks@whtmy.com 662-846-4785 Student Affairs
LaKenya Evans lakenyab@hotmail.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Margaret Evans mevans@whtmy.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Mary Evans mbevans@whtmy.com 662-846-4300 Cheerleaders
Diana Ezell dezell@whtmy.com 662-846-4395 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Maggie Fabick mfabick@whtmy.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Anne Fandel acfandel@whtmy.com 662-846-4755 Math and Sciences
Lamar Ferrell lferrell@whtmy.com 662-846-4740 Carpentry
Nancy Finklea nfinklea@whtmy.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Eugene Finley gnfinley@whtmy.com 662-846-4907 Center for Community & Economic Dev
Caroline Fletcher cgeorge@whtmy.com 662-846-4285 Sports Information Director
Jonathan Fletcher jfletcher@whtmy.com 662-846-4300 Football
Ryan Flore rflore@whtmy.com 662-846-4555 Health & Physical Ed & Recreation
Chancey Fort cfort@whtmy.com 662-846-4355 Counselor Education & Psychology
Laura Fortner lkfortner@whtmy.com 662-846-4060 Languages & Literature
Melody Fortune mfortune@whtmy.com 662-846-4187 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Edward Frazer efrazer@whtmy.com 662-846-4190 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Garrett Gee ggee@whtmy.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation